When You’re Ready

When you are ready (and the world is ready) to travel again, here’s an open invitation to visit my home town. Seattle! I’m an actual native, and that is vanishingly rare these days since my fair city has grown many fold since my humble birth here. Wildsam, https://wildsam.com/seattle-field-guide, a cool publishing company is putting out…

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Viral Blog

You’d think I had all the time in the world these days to write blog after blog, essay after essay for this website. Here I am, self-isolated and socially-distanced as strictly any old person ought to be. Seattle may no longer be the hottest spot for this virus to congregate, mutate and plan new attacks,…

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Amazon's Bananas

Amazon's bubbles in downtown Seattle

How do you read that? “Amazon is bananas”? Or “Amazon’s gone bananas”? Or maybe just plain “the bananas of Amazon”? If you picked the last one, you’d be correct. This afternoon I walked by an Amazon building (there are dozens in Seattle, stretching from Lake Union north to downtown—small two story buildings to forty story…

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